SPEcial Offer

Double Mobile Field Shelter 7.2m x 3.6m

Double Mobile Field Shelter 7.2m x 3.6m
Mobile Field Shelters

Double Mobile Field Shelter 7.2m x 3.6m

Save over £500 on a 7.2m x 3.6m (24' x 12') ready to go Clipper Mobile Field Shelters this spring. This special offer includes installation and free or low cost delivery (depending on your location). This saving is a time limited offer, the mobile field shelter needs to be delivered and installed in March 2025.

  • Pressure treated 75mm x 50mm timber framing with shiplap cladding.
  • 80mm x 80mm galvanised metal skids. 
  • Black Onduline roofing, boarded to the underside with OSB. 
  • 15mm OSB kick boarding to 1.2m high internally.
  • Guttering and down pipe to the front of the 1.2m (4’) canopy.

You are welcome to add optional extras to the spec including slip rails, doors, gates and roofing upgrades. This a very customisable base building and our expert design team can create the perfect shelter for you and your horses.

Please note, this offer is applicable to buildings only in the Clipper Range to the size above, and is for delivery and installation in March only (not DIY kits) and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount.

Once the offer is withdrawn, your quotation will increase the original price.

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